Cookie Policy

This section provides detailed information about cookies, their role on our website, the types we use, the data they collect, and how you can manage your cookie preferences.

What Are Cookies?
Cookies are small text files stored on your device whenever you visit our site through your browser. They play a vital role in ensuring the website operates efficiently, enhancing security, improving user experience, and gathering data to help us analyze and optimize our services.

How Do We Use Cookies?
Like most online platforms, our website utilizes both first-party and third-party cookies for various purposes:
First-party cookies: These are essential for the core functionality of the site and do not collect any personally identifiable information.
Third-party cookies: These help analyze site performance, track user interactions, enhance security, deliver tailored advertisements, and ensure a smoother, more personalized experience for repeat visits.
Managing Cookies in Your Browser
Most modern web browsers allow you to control or delete cookies placed by websites. You can adjust your browser settings to block or remove cookies based on your preferences. Below are guides for managing cookies in commonly used browsers:
Google Chrome: Manage cookies on Chrome
Safari: Manage cookies on Safari
Mozilla Firefox: Manage cookies on Firefox
Microsoft Edge: Manage cookies on Edge

If you use a different browser, please consult the official documentation provided by the browser's developer to modify your cookie preferences effectively